“Essential WordPress Plugins: 15 Must-Have Tools”



  1. Yoast SEO: Yoast SEO is a popular WordPress plugin that helps optimize your website for search engines. It provides features such as keyword analysis and optimization suggestions, XML sitemap generation, meta description and title tag optimization, and content analysis and readability scores. Yoast SEO Free contains everything that you need to manage your SEO, and the Yoast SEO Premium plugin and its extensions unlock even more tools and functionality. [1][2]
  2. Jetpack: Jetpack is a plugin that offers a suite of tools to help you design, secure, and grow your WordPress site. It includes features such as site stats and analytics, social media sharing, and site security. Jetpack offers both a free and a paid version. [3]
  3. WooCommerce: WooCommerce is a popular plugin that allows you to turn your WordPress site into an online store. It offers features such as product management, payment processing, and shipping options. WooCommerce is free to use, but it also offers paid extensions for additional functionality. [1]
  4. Contact Form 7: Contact Form 7 is a simple and flexible plugin that allows you to create and manage multiple contact forms on your WordPress site. It is free to use and offers features such as CAPTCHA support and spam filtering. [1]
  5. WPForms Lite: WPForms Lite is a beginner-friendly plugin that allows you to create custom forms on your WordPress site. It offers features such as drag and drop form builder, pre-built form templates, and spam protection. WPForms Lite is free to use, but it also offers a paid version with additional features. [1][4]
  6. All in One SEO Pack: All in One SEO Pack is a plugin that helps optimize your WordPress site for search engines. It offers features such as XML sitemap generation, meta tag optimization, and social media integration. All in One SEO Pack is free to use, but it also offers a paid version with additional features. [1][5]
  7. Smush Image Compression and Optimization: Smush is a plugin that helps optimize images on your WordPress site for faster loading times. It offers features such as image compression and resizing, lazy loading, and bulk optimization. Smush is free to use, but it also offers a paid version with additional features. [1][6]
  8. Limit Login Attempts Reloaded: Limit Login Attempts Reloaded is a plugin that helps protect your WordPress site from brute force attacks by limiting the number of login attempts. It is free to use and offers features such as customizable login limits and email notifications. [1]
  9. Akismet Anti-Spam: Akismet is a plugin that helps protect your WordPress site from spam comments and form submissions. It uses machine learning algorithms to detect and filter out spam. Akismet is free to use for personal sites, but it also offers a paid version for commercial sites. [1]
  10. Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA: Cookie Notice & Compliance is a plugin that helps you comply with GDPR and CCPA regulations by displaying a cookie notice to your visitors. It is free to use and offers features such as customizable cookie messages and consent logs. [1]
  11. Yoast Duplicate Post: Yoast Duplicate Post is a plugin that allows you to duplicate posts and pages on your WordPress site. It is free to use and offers features such as customizable post types and taxonomies. [1]
  12. W3 Total Cache: W3 Total Cache is a plugin that helps improve the performance of your WordPress site by caching pages and optimizing server resources. It offers features such as browser caching, page caching, and CDN integration. W3 Total Cache is free to use, but it also offers a paid version with additional features. [1][6]
  13. Really Simple SSL: Really Simple SSL is a plugin that helps you migrate your WordPress site to HTTPS by automatically redirecting HTTP requests to HTTPS. It is free to use and offers features such as mixed content fixing and HSTS preload list submission. [1][6]
  14. Broken Link Checker by AIOSEO: Broken Link Checker is a plugin that helps you find and fix broken links on your WordPress site. It is free to use and offers features such as customizable link checking intervals and email notifications. [1][4]
  15. All In One Security: All In One Security is a plugin that helps improve the security of your WordPress site by implementing various security measures. It offers features such as user account security, file system security, and database security. All In One Security is free to use. [1]

[1] https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/
[2] https://www.semrush.com/blog/yoast-seo/
[3] https://kinsta.com/blog/best-seo-plugins-for-wordpress/
[4] https://wpforms.com/best-free-wordpress-plugins-for-your-website/
[5] https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/9-best-wordpress-seo-plugins-and-tools-that-you-should-use/
[6] https://winningwp.com/best-free-wordpress-plugins/

original list was made using  Perplexity at https://www.perplexity.ai/

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