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Effective prompt engineering is essential in optimizing AI systems, enhancing user experiences, and driving innovation. Learn how to tailor AI responses to user needs and streamline complex tasks in this guide.
“Discovering the American series ‘Ramy’ by chance, I was captivated by its satire and real-life situations faced by Arab and Muslim immigrants in the US and Europe.”
Some insights after reading “Transforming Schools: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement” by Allison Zmuda, Robert Kuklis, Everett Kline ASCD, 2004 https://books.google.se/books/about/Transforming_Schools.html?id=6gppCwAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description&redir_esc=y While browsing through google books, I came across this book, and I found it very inspirational, so I wanted to share some of the insights in it with others through this blog. I intend…
Learn about the history of hegemonic techniques, used by those in power to maintain dominance over the less powerful, in politics, work, and personal relationships. This accepted concept is especially relevant in the Nordic countries, in the context of the struggle for gender equality. The concept originated from the German philosopher and sociologist Georg Simmel’s…
a short article about the concept and history of domination techniques
The indecisive, also called in the book “stallers,” are super-helpful people who postpone decisions that might distress someone. This “works” because as life proceeds, most decisions, if unmade, quickly become irrelevant. Staller’s hint and beat around the bush as a compromise between being honest and not hurting anyone. COPING WITH STALLERS • Make it easy…
The know- it- all are people who want you to recognize that they know everything about anything worth knowing. The author divides them into two subcategories bulldozers and balloons. BulldozersBulldozers are highly productive and thorough thinkers who make competent, careful plans and then carry them through, even when the obstacles are significant. Bulldozers are challenging…
Negativists are the type of people who responds to any proposal with an explanation like, “It won’t work.” Negativists have a deep-seated conviction that any task not in their own hands will fail. Their negativism is stimulated by others’ attempts to solve a problem or improve a procedure. Because they believe that others in power…
THE SUPER-AGREEABLE is always reasonable, sincere, and supportive to your face but never delivers a promise. They are driven by the need to be liked by everyone. They are afraid to lose that if they get into conflicts. They are difficult People only when their needs to give and receive friendship conflict with negative aspects…